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About TE Academy NFTs

All TE Academy students who have successfully completed a course or Study Season Live Track(s) are eligible to receive a NFT certificate as on-chain proof of knowledge. Similarly, course lecturers and speakers at TE Academy events receive NFTs to prove their contribution to the development of the TE discipline.

So far, 1,000+ TE Academy NFTs have been minted! Our NFT system makes it possible to track the development of the token engineering discipline on-chain, and enables expertise-based access rights and rewards to be built on top. A great example is our new Reputation-based Weighted Voting mechanism for determining the first-ever TE Academy Fellowship Prize winner.

Unlock decision-making power at TE Academy with NFTs!

As valued, knowledgeable community members, you have a say who should receive TE Academy’s first-ever Fellowship prize. This prize, worth $10K, rewards our Fellowship candidates’ past work, and willingness to share their knowledge throughout our  Study Season Live Tracks. Learn more about the TE Academy Fellowship here – and dive into our candidates’ contributions below!


Voting Details

Voting Fellowship Winner

🧩 opens Tuesday, June 25

🧩 closes Tuesday, July 09

🗳 Vote now! → Everything you need to know

Every TE Academy community member holding at least one TE Academy NFT is eligible to vote on the Fellowship prize winner. More knowledgeable community members (with more NFTs) will have greater voting weight!

Please note: The exact voting algorithm is currently being designed with TE Academy students! Check out Track 4 to learn more.

We’ll share all details and links to participate in the voting process coming closer to the voting date.

**What Student NFTs are available at TE Academy?

Online Course NFTs**

The following courses offer an NFT proof of knowledge for students:

**TE Fundamentals:** TE Fundamentals is a bachelor-level online learning program that aims to help students gain a basic understanding of the token engineering design process. The program consists of five modules, which are available at any time and anywhere as online learning courses.

Students can take an online exam at any time, and if they successfully complete it, they are eligible to earn an NFT.

**NFT-based Reputation in Web3:** This online course provides a coherent understanding of the use of NFTs in a reputation context. The course covers technical standards, application cases, and the process of designing reputation. Moreover, it shared detailed information about TE Academy NFTs and how students can earn and manage token engineering NFTs. Like in TE Fundamentals, the online exam can be taken anytime, and NFTs are available to mint anytime.