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Learn TE Fundamentals

by yourself, at your own pace, online and for free.

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What to Expect?

What You'll Receive?

Learn With Your Peers in P2P Study Groups

We have study groups starting module 1 now!

How to find the best fit:

  1. Check the tab “Active Study Groups” or “Active | Per Module” and find the best time/ date/ language for you
  2. Dive into the chosen Study Group descriptions
  3. Once you have made your choice ⏩ go to our Discord
  4. Find your chosen Study Group in the corresponding Discord channel
  5. Leave a note! Introduce yourself, tell us who you are and share your interest to join them
  6. No registration needed, just show up to the next session. You can easily find your study group in the Discord Events and mark your interest, so you are notified before it starts.

Join our next Introduction to Token Engineering

Friday, July 28, 2023

04:00PM - 05:00PM UTC

Perfect for a high level overview around this new discipline, what to expect, and more details about TE Fundamentals. A good moment to meet the community and ask questions.

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